Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I was 139.0 this morning! 138.5 before my shower an hour or so later. I knew it would be awful, because I've been weighing myself each day since we got back from Alabamaville, but I was 137 when we got back and somehow I gained two pounds over the weekend, even though I exercised on Saturday and Monday (both 50 minutes on the bike, plus that hanging abs thing that Amy described, just doing crunches, 30 the first time and 50 total yesterday). I did have a beer on Friday and two on Saturday, and we had burgers for dinner Friday, barbecue from AL on Saturday, pizza on Sunday (after burgers (no cheese) at a picnic on Sunday, and our usual brunch), and leftover pizza on Monday (but that was lunch, and I had brunswick stew for dinner). OK, so I guess I'm seeing a trend here -- tons of unhealthy food, not enough fruits and vegetables! But my weight didn't jump up alarmingly until this morning. Ugh.

I won't be exercising today unless my attempt at donating blood fails, but I will be eating reasonably well at dinner -- we're planning on the chicken kabobs again, which are just grilled chicken and lots of veggies. I have to figure out a side dish -- I should probably come up with something healthy to do with potatoes. Maybe on the grill. Or I could get corn on the cob, if they have some at the grocery store, and make that our starch. Hmm. Sounds good. Or whole wheat bread in the bread machine -- or is that getting too starchy and not enough nutrition? Anyway, the point is, I'm starting to plan meals again. I don't know what I'll do about lunch, though; we're out of almost everything, since I haven't done a full grocery store run since our trip.

OK. Time to get back on track and lose this weight again -- I want to be at my marriage weight for my anniversary in August!

Hey, the word verification is gone! Hooray!


Sarah said...

I got an email from them saying they had checked and approved our blog--I forgot to post that.

How about couscous with the kebabs? They are so quick to make and very yummy (although I guess not quick if you have to actually go out and buy some). I suppose they are whole grain too; I never really thought about it.

Amy said...

CousCous is actually pasta blobs. It is pressed through a seive to make it grainy - so it isn't really a GRAIN... But very yummy none the less. I wonder if you can get whole wheat cous cous?

I didn't even notice the missing word verification. Yippee!!!

Emily said...

A quick google suggests that couscous is pretty good on the fiber front because it's supposed to be made from the hard part of the wheat. I'll have to check the packages. Couscous was one of my original thoughts -- I need everything else at the grocery store -- but I'm worried that my picky husband will reject it (I should tell him he can dowse it in hot sauce!). My picky kids will almost certainly reject it, but they learn to like things over time!

Amy said...

I read the instructions on making couscous once. It seemed VERY complicated for what you end up with - but if they are using the normally rejected part of the grain then that totally makes sense. I love cous cous. Emily - tell your family it is pasta blobs - maybe that will help.