Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Same as last week--pretty good considering that I didn't exercise all week! The 130.6 was post-shower. Before the shower, I was 131 even, and by "post" shower, I mean after going out of the bathroom to get myself dry. Our house is so humid after all this rain that every surface is damp and doors are getting stuck, then when you add shower steam to it, things are even worse. If I didn't come into work, I'd just be sitting at home letting my scalp mildew. Yuck.

I did make it to the gym yesterday. A week off isn't a good thing--instead of being well rested, I was laboring to finish the workout and my legs ached afterwards. Weird thing was that my heart rate was really fine. I only check it after I'm done running (because you can't get a good reading while running) and yesterday, about 30 seconds into the cool down period, my heart rate was 147--a good 10 or 20 b.p.m. slower than I'm used to seeing. Can't figure that one out.

Food yesterday was also pretty good. My usual stuff all day (cereal, almonds, yogurt, cheese, crackers, apple), ravioli and salad for dinner, and cookies and milk for dessert, then a handful of Skittles late at night because I was a bit peckish. Probably should have opted for another piece of fruit, but I just don't understand people who can substitute something healthy for something sugar-laden. I admire them, but I don't understand them.

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