Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Took my own advice

Last night, nearing bedtime, my step count was just under 8500, below my non-gym day norm of between 9000 and 10000. So I decided to change that and spent the next five or ten minutes walking around the house and up and down the stairs. I should have paid more attention to how much time it took, but it wasn't long, and I walked while reading (and didn't run into the doors or furniture once!) so it wasn't even too boring. I ended up the day just over 9000 steps.

This morning I'm off to a good start, if you can call it that. Connor was up early and decided to head outdoors in his pajamas and bare feet, so I had to go chasing after him. By the time I got to work, I was already at 1200 steps!

On the other hand, I forgot to eat breakfast this morning. That's what happens when my usual routine is interrupted. I was starting breakfast for Claire (clearing off the toaster for frozen waffles) and while moving the pears I noticed one was beginning to rot, so I pulled it out, cut off the bad bits, and ate it. Then because that temporarily filled me up, I forgot to make myself a real breakfast. So I guess I *did* eat breakfast, but it wasn't much of one.

Last night was black beans and rice for dinner and the rest of the leftover Easter candy. I think I'm safe from it now--it's gone. I never post my daytime food anymore because it's always the same thing--cereal for breakfast, almonds for mid morning snack, yogurt, pretzles, and fruit for lunch, string cheese for afternoon snack. Always. Well, except for today--not only did I have just a pear for breakfast, but I packed a piece of pizza for lunch. Thinking of my girlish figure (not!), however, I didn't pack any afternoon snack. String cheese after cheese pizza seems like overkill.

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