Tuesday, April 04, 2006

New Challenge

Soon... Today we had the Shock Trauma Get Fit people down at the other building. They will be visiting THIS building next week. They have the Get Fit Program... and I am going to try to attach the details below. BUT, in a nutshell, this program is $10 per person or $7.50 per person for a pair or team. The cost includes a pedometer (they say it is a good one - they did a lot of research and paired up with a pedometer company to get one that is more accurate than most...) a gym bag and a log book. Everyday you log your steps in, and once a month they come by and drop off incentives that Kristy then distributes to everyone. They have contests and stuff like that too. So - I can have whoever I want join with me. All I need is your $7.50.

Lace up your walking shoes and join other TESSCO Team Members in their effort to GET FIT!!

Take the Get Fit Maryland Challenge:
- Walk an extra 2,000 steps per day, or better yet, walk 10,000 steps each day
- Eat or drink just 100 fewer calories per day.

The Get Fit Maryland Program provides:
- A 12-week walking program aimed at obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease prevention and awareness;
- Pedometers, fitness centers, seminars, sound health advice from physicians and other health care and fitness professionals, and fun;
- Education, support, incentives, and encouragement of participants’ efforts to lose weight and make important lifestyle changes.

Program Cost:
- $10.00 per individual
- $15.00 for two individuals
***Cash & check payments accepted! Checks should be made payable to UMMS Foundation/GFM.

There will be a Get Fit Maryland Representative on-site at both the GLC and TAB over the next two weeks. Stay tuned for specific dates and times!!

TAB Registration – Atrium – Tuesday, April 4, 2006 – 9:30a – 11:30a
GLC Registration – Bob’s CafĂ© – Wednesday, April 12, 2006 – 2:00p – 3:30p

At registration, participants will receive a free Get Fit Maryland walking kit that includes:
- A Walk-4-Life pedometer
- Log book to record progress
- Giveaways that include a backpack containing health awareness cards, pen and more!
- Useful tips for sticking to the program and protecting your health.
- Free 30-Day Merritt Athletic Club membership.
- Coupons for products that are good for your health!

There are a variety of incentives that are awarded to successful completion along the way!!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Sign me up with you--I'd love to check my daily steps with a pedometer!