Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Not over that phase

I mentioned yesterday that Connor had slept through the night two nights in a row and I hoped that indicated that he was over his month long habit of getting up in the middle of the night for several hours. No such luck. Last night he first refused to sleep in his bed at all--he took off the sheets and bedding Brian had just put on, then when I put them back on he wouldn't get in bed. He fell asleep in our bed and when I tried to move him he fought and fought and fought until I gave up and shoved him to one side to try to sleep (Brian was out walking Davey at this point). I had woken him up enough, though, that he spent the next 30 minutes scratching (he's itchy all over with a rash on his torso and face; the doctor says it's just dry skin but no amount of Claritin and moisturizer is making him less itchy). Brian came home and moved Connor to his bed, which Connor complained about loudly, then quietly, then eventually he got out of bed, dumped his bedding on the floor and moved back to our bed. So I moved to the living room sofa. Two hours later Connor was up (or maybe never fell asleep) and I spent 2:30 till 4:30 opening crackers for him and trying to doze. At 4:30 he went back to "bed" (slept on his floor; that's where his bedding was, after all!) so I got to sleep in my bed for an hour and a half before the alarm went off.

[Side note: Yesterday I heard that General McChrystal gets by on four hours of sleep a night and runs seven miles a day. What a wimp.]

The point of all of this is that I didn't get up early to run this morning, and now I'm dreading running later when it's 100 degrees and humid. This may be a treadmill day.

Yesterday's run and swim were among the fastest I've done all year, although I felt like crap by the late afternoon. I was tired and achy and my chest felt tight, which may have had to do with the air quality. While I was pleased that I could do both workouts on the same day with good times, the thought of adding 17 miles of biking to the workout makes me want to just take a nap. Of course, right now, just about anything makes me want to take a nap!


Julie S said...

Maybe try Sarna lotion? Peter's doctor advised him to buy it for his eczema and I discovered this week that it works wonders on bug bites. It contains an analgesic. It absorbs really quickly and isn't greasy.

Sarah said...

Thanks for the advice! I've never heard of the stuff before. I'll give it a try.

Amy said...

I think anti-itch creams should have a mild topical anesthic in them (like that stuff the dentist uses before you get a novicane shot). Sometimes what you really need is to just STOP scratching for a half hour so stuff that helps the itching to heal can actually go to work. Menthol probably should do that...

Amy said...

And, Sarah, I am VERY sorry about your lack of sleep!! It sucks to not be able to sleep when you are NOT being disturbed, but to have someone wanting your (even limited) attention REALLY must be taxing!!!