Friday, June 25, 2010

My new hobby

I went to the gym AGAIN last night. Something must be wrong with me, that is 3 nights in a row. I spent most of my time on the elliptical (old school type, not that one that contributes to my crippling) using the cardio program. I sweated my $%@! off. It was good. Then when I was done that, I hit the treadmill for a mile worth of intervals.

The painters are still working on the first floor of the house, so I went upstairs and started organizing my scrapbook stuff. I moved everything around so I have an entire closet to myself. In the process I made a huge mess, so now I have to put everything back into a place. After I run a few errands this morning, I plan to go back to working on that.

I'm really disappointed I can't make it to the scrapbook convention again this year. Oh well. Hopefully next year. Blah. That is what I said LAST year!!

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