Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I survived!

I went to BodyPump and lived to tell about it! As I've mentioned, I am SO intimidated by these group classes. I used the lightest weights there were and I managed to make it the whole class. There were only a few things that were impossible--the lunges, the rotating side planks, and the push ups. The lunges strain my plantar fascia in both feet--the front one from bearing the weight and the back because of the width of the stance and the angle, so I talked to the instructor after class and she suggested that I do squats in place of the lunges. I struggled with the other two items solely because I am fat and weak. I am definitely going to go back next week. That was the fastest hour of exercise on the planet.

I am planning to try the spinning class tonight. I used to enjoy these the few times I was able to make it, but my schedule has always prohibitive. I am trying to attend 2 classes a week, and exercise somehow two other days, whether it be just at home or in the 'hood, or going to the gym.

On a side note, St. Anthony came through for me on the lost hard drive. It was in the lab at school. Whew. The earth would have wobbled on its axis if I had lost that. I am backing up my lectures now as I type this. I would have cried if they were gone, and all my lab assignments that I have fine tuned over the years. Cried may be too weak of a description...WAILED is probably more like it...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Good for you for getting to the Body Pump class! I think the hardest part of starting something new is that first step. There's a girl at work who really wants to get back into shape. She got new shoes and clothes, quizzed me on the setup and availability of equipment at the gym, but hasn't yet gone over to use it yet. I keep telling her to just go once to get over that step, but it's been two weeks and she hasn't tried yet.