Tuesday, June 15, 2010


My weight is staying in the same ballpark of the upper 140s -- I'm not going to lose weight unless I start cutting calories, and I haven't been enthused lately. Why is it I can only focus on either exercise or diet, but not both?

I went for a 4-mile run yesterday. I had had three days off over the weekend -- I meant to run on Sunday but there wasn't a good opportunity -- so I felt every step. It's amazing how stiff I get from such a short break! But I hadn't lost any stamina; when 4 miles was my "long" run two months ago it took some work, but yesterday I ran the course without having to think about it. It helped that I was still listening to that stupid book -- it's just interesting enough to be a distraction, but not so intense that I miss anything important when I'm focused on aspects of the running. I wonder if I can find other vacuous books like this one to listen to on long runs? I can't seem to manage podcasts because I miss too many details!

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