Monday, July 31, 2006


Work has been insane. I did my timesheet this morning (seeing how it is the end of the month) and I have worked 60 hours of overtime since July 16th. The paycheck will be nice, but I am so tired and stressed. We interview Wednesday for the next $3 million GIS program management contract with City DPW. I am so nervous. If we win, I keep my job for 3 more years. If we lose, my last day downtown is sometime in March 2007. I have a speaking part in the presentation too. that really freaks me out.

I just realized I forgot to put earrings in this morning.

I think I slept like 4 hours last night. I just couldn't fall asleep. I did exercise yesterday. Actually I have been quite good about exercising even though work is nuts. I only skipped on day last week and that was when Marian & I went to Lets Dish. My weight is down too, 158.7, which is good considering it has been hovering more or less at 160 for a long time now.

Hmm. That's all for now. I doubt I'll post again until after the interview. We'll be rehearsing up until we go in at 1 pm on Wednesday.

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