Thursday, July 20, 2006

Doctor Update

OK - I had my annual today and I am disappointed to report that there was a big FAT NO change in my weight since last year. I brought it up with her again and I told her everything we talked about on Sunday. She won't just out of hand prescribe Metformin to someone - but with everything I told her she thought it was worth persuing further. She took blood for the insulin and testosterone level tests. She DID do them both before and I was within the normal range on both of them. She is sending me for a pelvic ultrasound next week to look for cysts... I told her I already had one, but that was under a different doctor - and she said it was also so long ago that it was worth doing again. I DID tell her that Emily didn't have any of the typical symptoms of PCOS either - but that was the treatment she finally responded to. Emily and I also have similar builds (or we did...) and we both have always had irregular cycles. It didn't hurt that when then asked when my last period was I had NO CLUE - or when my next one was coming either... I said I had one in June, but not yet July.

She is also sending me to an endocrinologist. The first appointment I could get with him was November 1st - but his office is less than a mile from my house! I told Dr. Ball that I wasn't sold on the PCOS theory, and that I think that it is more likly bowel related. SHE said though that if it was my bowels then I may process foods more slowly - but it would affect weight loss or gain in the long run. Something metobolical is more likely. Sigh.
Now that I am addressing this I want to get it ALL done now. I am frustrated that I have to wait until November to see the specialist.

Anyway - I had broccoli with cheese sauce for breakfast. And coffee with skim milk. I didn't eat before my appointment this morning just in case they asked (they did). When I went home to change I heated up broccoli to take for lunch. Since it was warm when I got here I decided to eat it. That is when it tastes best.

I won't make it to the gym today. I was at the doctors until 10:30 this morning (3 hours late) and then I will be the one going to Boordy this afternoon. I would make Katie go - except that she is babysitting for Sarah at 5 and Emily and Sarah are taking the girls to a swim party. Dad has an appointment this afternoon at 2 and Mom is not sure if she will be back in time to go out there. Sigh - again.

Of course - now that my living room is a living room again I CAN do the workout videos.


Sarah said...

I'm glad she took your concerns seriously--I can't believe there's been NO change in your weight over the past year. That's just nutty, and proof that there's SOMETHING going on, whether it's PCOS, metabolism, or something no one has thought of yet.

At least the time between now and November (not at all unusual a wait to see a specialist--doesn't that stink?) will give you a chance to put together a really good food and exercise journal. I recommend getting a nice spiralbound chipboard notebook and decorating it. ;-) I'm always worried that the doctors don't believe us when we tell them things. Like I think Dr. Behar doesn't really believe that I brush, floss, use flouride rinse, and have added Listerine to my routine. You wouldn't know it to look at my teeth!

Amy said...

I think Dr. Behar belives us - he knows ALL of us have bad teeth - but our breath isn't too bad. Although I admit to him that I don't floss regularly. I got out of the habit about two years ago and now only do it when I am on my virtuous, change all my evil ways, kicks. That usually falls in with changing my sheets and cleaning the bathrooms.