Monday, July 17, 2006

That was disgusting!!!

Well - I have eaten every crumb in my lunch bag today - including an old mint I found there and all of my vitamins (which often come back home with me). I - like Sarah - was hungry early today (as I was yesterday too now that I think about it). I was determined to NOT hit the vending machines before I filled up on my healthy (free) food. Anyway - so added to my cottage cheese and fruit, yogurt, and Life cereal with skim milk is now a piece of flax bread with applesauce and my zucchini with apricot vinegar. The vinegar was good - and thank goodness it was there - because the zucchini was about three weeks old and BITTER!!!!! It was gross! I choked it all down (and followed it up with the old mint). Sigh. Now I want a candy bar just to get the zucchini taste out of my mouth - but I won't. Yet.

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