Thursday, January 25, 2007

High fructose corn syrup

In the "You: on a diet" book, according to the thread I read online, HFCS is singled out as a particularly bad ingredient in foods. Don't know the details, but something about the enzymes in it being processed by the body more like a fat than a sugar and that it doesn't trigger your body to feel full, which is why people can drink 700 calories of soda a day and not have it fill them up. So I've been looking at the food I eat and discovered that the Dannon yogurt I have every afternoon around 4:00 or so to try to stave off the after work/before dinner gorging is sweetened with HFCS. We still have a bunch of it in the house, but I think I'll switch brands when this batch is gone and see if another brand without HFCS is any better at filling me up so I don't eat 12 Pepperidge Farm cookies before dinner like I did yesterday! Or maybe it was only 8. It was a lot.

OTOH, I took Davey for a 2 mile walk last night, and I'll be back at the gym today, and this morning my weight was 137 even (flashed on 136.8--a nice sign of good things to come, I hope) so I hope I'm back to my good behavior for good!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I haven't looked lately, but when I studied yogurts in the regular dairy section you either got nutra-sweet or HFCS. I suspect you're going to have to go for the organic stuff to find anything better.