Wednesday, January 31, 2007


no idea if that is up or down and I didn't read back through to see...

This week is insanely stressful. Work is nuts, school started last night and my life is generally a non-ending episode of Springer.

I didn't eat"dinner" until 10:30 last night and it was the majority of a bagel with margarine becuase there weren't too many options do to the fact that I haven't been to the grocery store in 2 weeks. I did dish with marian, but that stuff needs cooked :^) Lunch was a nasty hummus wrap thing, chips and cookies. Breakfast...might have been a pop tart.

I have not exercised since Friday. I was feeling sick over the weekend but I think that might be gone, and tonight is going to be very busy. I could go to the gym at midnight maybe. It is open 24 hours...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Julie--that's awesome! You were 153 last week, so you're down 2.5 pounds! We need to get together sometime soon so we can all see how skinny you're getting!