Thursday, January 25, 2007

Comment on Sarah's post - it was just getting too long

Yes - they bash HFCS - they say that you shouldn't eat it if it is in the top five ingredients (along with refined flours and something else). It isn't that it processes like fat - fat processing is OK - in fact they say that you are SUPPOSED to eat a handful of nuts (walnuts are recommended b/c of the Omega 3) 20 minutes before a meal and to stave off cravings. Your body processes fat more slowly - and so it will prevent you from overeating DURING a meal and will help you to feel more full. The thing with HFCS is that it is not recognized by our brain as food and so does nothing to stop the hormone that makes you feel hungry or to trigger the hormone that tells you to stop eating. So - you consume WAY too many calories, and THEN eat too much at meals. Caffeine, OTOH, does just fine to make you feel full - and it motivates your metabolism - but they don't recommend more than 2 cups a day. Nicotine is another drug they recommend to jump start you when you hit a plateau BUT NOT IN CIGARETTE FORM - a patch (7mg) and only upon the advice of your doctor.

Everything ultimately is supposed to be converted to sugar in our bodies - to be used as energy - or to be stored as fat. By eating TOO much sugar (or fat or protein) we store too much and don't consume enough of our store. They say you don't start using your stores until you have done the equivalent of 30 minutes of walking - so part of the requirement of the diet is to walk 30 minutes a day - every day - but it can be broken up. My plan is to get Kristy to walk with me for 15 minutes each day at work - and then do 15 minutes in the morning - or at night. Then 2 to 3 times a week you are supposed to do resistance work - for about 20 minutes a day. Again it can be spaced out - and it includes stretches and Yoga moves - which I like.

What I found to be interesting is that the book says you don't ever have more or less fat or muscle cells your entire adult life. The ones you have just get bigger or smaller. If you diet without exercising you are reducing BOTH your muscle and fat cells - but when you stop both you only increase your fat cells - so even if you don't weigh more, you look fatter - which is why Yo-Yo dieting is such a concern.

Yeah - it is a very interetsing book. I will loan it around when I finish with it.

OH! Also - eat high fiber in the morning - it prevents late after noon cravings. I have been eating sawdust with walnuts and cinnamon (another thing - you are supposed to have 1t of cinnamon each day...). I keep thinking of Jamie Frasier and his parrich!


Sarah said...

I think it was actually a Washington Post article that talked about HFCS being processed like a fat. All I know is that my yogurt does NOTHING to satisfy my late afternoon hunger. Neither does my early morning high fiber bowl of oatmeal. Even with cinnamon added. If I could give up my two cups of morning coffee (or cut back to one) maybe I could add in another cup at 4:00, but then I'd be up all night.

P.S. I'm getting really sick of logging into the New Blogger. This is my third time today, I think. Ugh.

Emily said...

That's a different take on fat cells than I'd heard -- I always heard that when you gain weight you produce more fat cells, but when you lose weight the fat cells merely shrink, so that it's easier to gain it back after you've lost some than it is to gain it the first time around. And the more times you lose and gain, the more fat cells you've produced and the harder it is to get thin. Your version is much more promising!