Saturday, January 06, 2007

Exercise is easier with an iPod

I went to the gym twice this week and got through "Shakespeare in Love," which makes the time on the treadmill go much faster! And I don't mind walking Davey at night when I can choose the music I listen to. Thanks to Amy I've also got some audiobooks--I can see prolonging walks and sessions on the treadmill to make it through chapters. And now I'm beginning to get into podcasts too--I can save "Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me" for Monday on the treadmill. Getting to listen to that program all the way through might be motivation enough to go to the gym!

I was down to 137.2 this morning, so at least my weight is dropping a bit. The cookies are almost gone, and the candy as well--we're down to just hard candy which isn't nearly so tempting. And I also spent well over an hour turning over all the dirt in the garden and pulling out the dead plants from last summer. Nothing like procrastination--fall cleanup and spring preparation all in one!

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