Friday, January 18, 2008

Weekend coming

So - I haven't posted much this week. I have been doing my normal dieting - no exercise, eating ice cream for breakfast - you know, normal.

Just kidding. Actually I have been eating SOME ice cream. Katie bought Ben & Jerry's this week - and has eaten none of it. I - OTOH - have eaten A TON! GRRRR. I have also done no exercise, beyond my normal activities. I did talk to my gym buddy today to see if she would start kicking me in the ass to go again. I just need to get Katie on board too.

I realized that it has been almost a month since I updated my old speadsheet - mostly because I have been using TDP for my tracking - However, my spreadsheet is visually more comprehensive, so I am going to go back to using it also - because I like stuff like that.

My weight was at 226.4 yesterday and 226.6 today. What I have to do is figure out a way to KEEP it going down. Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

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