Thursday, January 10, 2008

Evening snacking

is doing me in.  Again.  Now that we're back to school I can get through the day without pigging out, but I hit dinner time and start eating, and then I don't stop until bedtime.  It's not too awful in terms of absolute calories, but that's the worst time of the day to load up, because they just sit in there all night like a rock instead of getting burned away by normal activity.  My weight has been back to 137.5 the past two days, which is where I would expect it to be.

On Tuesday when I went to the gym I stopped to look at the class schedule -- just as the new teacher for the Basic Step class showed up.  I've never done step before but I'd heard it was a good way to get one's heart rate up, so I let myself be talked into the class.  This was the first in the series so she didn't expect us to have a clue -- though everyone else there had stepped in other classes or with videos before.  But I set up with a lowish step, since I was new, and then I proceeded to be bored out of my mind for the first 15 minutes while we did what was no more exciting than WAtP with a small obstacle -- I kept getting caught off-step because my mind would wander and I'd miss the change to the other foot!  But it got gradually more interesting, though I never felt like I was working hard.  When she invited us to jog up and down instead of walking onto the step I jumped at the chance (no pun intended) so that helped a little, but I hardly broke a sweat.  If I take the class next week (the variety is nice, and the teacher says it will get more involved as we go along) I'm going to raise the step up.  It's the first time in my life I've found a gym class easy, and the first time I've been one of the skinniest people in the room -- even the teacher was built about like me, except four inches shorter!  There was only one truly thin person there.  And there was one NOT thin person there, sweating like a pig and barely managing to lift her feet -- I'd say, "At least she was there," except she turned out to be one of those extroverted people who thinks there needs to be a constant shift of focus her direction, so I wish she hadn't been there.  She told us at least ten times that she was going to take basic step and advanced step that day, and we heard all about her back and knee problems of recent history, and she said "Whoo!" when the teacher asked how we were doing (what's wrong with a nod or a thumbs up, like the rest of us?), and she double-clapped on the turn steps when nobody else was clapping (is that really necessary??) and when we did a step called the rocking horse she actually neighed.  Next time I'm going to position myself as far away from her as possible, if she shows up.  Maybe she'll turn out to be a January gym-er who will disappear for the rest of the year.  I hope.

I haven't exercised the past two days.  Yesterday was my busy day, and we had company after the day's usual chaos ended.  Today I couldn't get a gym appointment so I went to Target instead, and then I spent what should have been my exercise time putting shelves together for our office closet (the kids' games and puzzles were out of control).  I'm feeling kind of gross but not gross enough to go do sit-ups while we have Ratatouille on.  Apparently I'd rather talk about being flabby than do anything about it.  I hate it when the house is cold -- I just can't get motivated to move.


Sarah said...

I used to do a step workout with a video (in my pre-kids days). I think I had a 6 or 8 inch step, and it was a really good workout. I liked it because I could increase the intensity just by *bouncing* more as I did the workout, and because I had to really pay attention so I didn't fall on my face, the workouts seemed to go more quickly. The only downside was that you needed a pretty good sized free area to do the workout, which I don't have these days without doing a major cleanup and moving furniture, so it's not likely that I'll pull that video out anytime soon!

That woman sounds really annoying. She really neighed?

Emily said...

My step was only 6" the other day (I think -- it was the lowest standard setting. It might have been a little less, even) but it can be raised by about 3". And, yes, the woman really, truly neighed. Scary.

I used to have a lot of space in my Loganville apartment just by moving the coffee table. I haven't had the space for proper aerobics since. Even for WAtP I have to watch out for the ceiling fan. (Why would they hang an ornate four-bulb lamp and fan so that it hangs two feet down from an eight-foot ceiling? Who were these people, midgets?) I miss being able to do the really motion-intense videos!

Amy said...

That is just too odd! Seriously. Why do people do stuff like that? Is she in the SCA? That sounds like the perfect SCA personality - extroverted with nothing interesting to say so she makes animal noises instead.

My ceiling fan inhibits my exercise too. I used to always smack the tip of my finger (you know - where it really hurts) on the knob on the string pull... then I discovered Yoga - and Now, I have to arrange my mountain to be in front or behind the light.