Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Same Old

I was 227.8 today. No change really from the last several months.

I went to be at about 10pm last night. I wasn't particularly tired - or no more so than usual, but I was having a very hard time concentrating on anything! I also compressed my normal night time routine by taking a bath immediately after dinner (I was cold!!) and so that threw me off too. Then I did that weird dozing thing for several hours, which included me dreaming that Claire and I were swimming in this really nifty pool that looked more like the ocean. It was fun - but at the same, mildly panicky. I was sweating again all last night. I think it is my new hair cut making me sweat. I wake up in the morning with the most RIDICULOUS bed head due to my sweating - so I have to shower, even if I have overslept - so I think my hair cut is conspiring to make me shower every morning.

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