Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Dieting vs. biology

"In every century famine and human starvation has existed... true even today. Survival of the fittest in the past meant survival of the fattest. Only those with adequate energy stores could survive a famine. Consequently our bodies are still equipped in this modern age to combat starvation at the cellular level. As far as the body is concerned, dieting is a form of starvation, even though it is voluntary. Chronic dieting has been shown to:
  • Teach the body to retain more fat. Low calorie diets double the enzymes that make and store fat in the body. This is a form of biological compensation to help the body store more energy, or fat, after dieting.
  • Slow the rate of weight loss with each successive attempt to diet. This has been shown to be true in both rat and human studies.
  • Decrease metabolism. Dieting triggers the body to become more efficient at utilizing calories by lowering the body's need for energy.
  • Increase binges and cravings. Both humans and rats have been shown to overeat after chronic food restriction. Food restriction stimulates the brain to launch a cascade of cravings to eat MORE. After substantial weight loss (not me!) studies show that rats prefer eating more fat, while people have been shown to prefer foods both high in fat and sugar.
  • Cause satiety cues to atrophy. Dieters usually stop eating due to a self imposed limit rather than inner cues of fullness. This, combined with skipping meals, can condition you to eat meals of increasingly larger size.
  • Cause the body shape to change. Yo-yo dieters who continually regain the lost weight tend to regain in the abdominal area, This type of fat storage increases the risk of heart disease.
Other side effects include headaches, menstrual irregularities, fatiguem dry skin and hair loss."

From Intuitive Eating. I don't know if all that means I am doomed or that I will survive the next major famine because my body has been optimally trained to - but the rest of you won't. Either way it doesn't sound pleasant.

I was 227 today. Figures.

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