Friday, January 18, 2008

Oh, my aching back!

It took me about two and a half hours to clear the driveway and the sidewalks yesterday.  I felt fine at the time, but an hour later my back was quite tired and today I'm very stiff and sore!  But Daily Plate said I burned around 900 calories doing that.  I was at negative calories most of the day. ;-)  I checked other sites and that 900 seems consistent with them (unusual for DP!).  And today my weight went down, yippee!  I definitely canceled my gym appointment yesterday, and I don't have one for today, which is good because I'm not sure I could move.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Good for you!! All I did was bring the trashcan back in from the curb and clean off my car to come home from work (not in that order). OH! I did carry the box of TESSCO W-2s out to my car just in case I got snowed in today (I didn't). The box was big and very heavy - so, even though it wasn't a long distance to walk my arm muscles were trembling... but not until after I finish using them (to clean off my car) so it was when I had to drive in the really crappy weather that I noticed my arms weren't responding.