Monday, July 23, 2007

Well off Track

I have not exercised since LAST Monday (or was it Tuesday... Monday I think). I did the 100 crunches ONCE last week. I added the extra 1000 steps once - on a different day from the crunches. I have been much better about drinking water - but I am neglecting to keep a count of how many 8 oz I have been drinking. I am so off track that I am beginning to thing there IS no track!!!!!! I even forgot to weigh myself THREE DAYS in a row!! This morning I remember when I was half dressed (top half) and so went in and did it then. I was 226.6 - so CLEARLY this wandering is doing me no good. Of course it is THAT time of the month again. The four pound gain time. So - I am taking comfort in the fact that the four pound gain THIS month brought me exactly to where it did LAST month - so for me, no progress is actually progress.

My goal this week is to keep track of my water, do my 100 crunches daily and get to the gym at least twice. I am only promising twice because this weekend is land grab so I won't be home Friday or Saturday - and besides - land grab acts as a resistance traing day anyway...

I am so proud of Claire. Yesterday I went over to help her make her own garb for Pennsic. I did this with the expectation that she would lose interest quickly and ultimately I would end up making it on her 3/4 sized machine (which is actually not a bad size for basic sewing...). That didn't happen! Claire successfully made her own bog dress and a skirt. This was PRIMARILY by herself. Sarah pressed the hem and waist casing and I fed the elastic half way through the skirt (only after I made sure that she knew how to do it herself). Other than that she did ALL of the sewing all by herself. I sat beside her - but had to assist VERY little!! Claire is now capable of doing something less than half of the people at Pennsic can do - and as well as probably 1/4 of the people who CAN do it!!! I would be willing to bet that by next Pennsic Claire could make her own chemises!!!

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