Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Laziest 4th EVER

I did nothing yesterday. On one hand, it was awesome. I laid on the couch and read and watched tv and napped and that was it. On the other, wow, I am a slug! I did stay up WAY too late too. Lil Bush comes on Comedy Central at 10:30 and they were replaying all 3 episodes. Talk about a funny cartoon. My favorite is still the most recent episode with Lil Tony Blair.

Today I meet with the trainer at 6 pm to go over a resistance workout. I am going to run tonight too. I was going to head straight to the gym after work, but I left my change of clothes at home by accident. Yesterday sure felt like Sunday and today feels like Monday all over again. ICK. Two Mondays this week AND I am working back at the office.

Sigh. I better find something billable to do. I swear this should count as participation in a wellness program!!!!

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