Thursday, July 19, 2007

Nearly finished with phase one

Technically phase one of South Beach is supposed to go through next Monday, but I've been insanely thirsty the past couple of days (90 ounces of water so far today--how many "units" is that?) and I think it's entirely diet related, so I think I'm going to move on to phase 2 a bit early to see if I can get that to go away. It's irritating at best, and I also think it's indicating that all I've lost is water weight! My weight is also going down much more slowly now--I was 135.8 yesterday and 135.6 today--so I think I've extracted all I can out of phase one. And I want a piece of bread and some fruit!

I took Davey for his walk today, so I'm a whole 2 miles along on my way to 500. Yippee.

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