Monday, August 28, 2006


I start teaching a semester long credit class tonight at CCBC Essex. I didn't realize how freaked out I was until this morning as I was driving into work. I am a nervous wreck. I know what I am teaching tonight, and Wednesday night, but I have NO IDEA how to schedule material out across the semester. This is not good for the control freak side of me.

I exercised Saturday, and then walked about 12 miles around Arundel Mills with Amy Mantay yesterday. Food hasn't been great, but it hasn't been in large quantities either. There will be no time really to exercise tonight. Class is 6-8:30, so I won't get home until at least 9:30. And I am sure I will be exhausted, mostly from stressing.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Good luck Julie!! You will be great, I know it! Also - after the first night or two you may have a better sense of how quickly you will move through material and what you need to schedule. Also - questions from the class may help you be able to plan future classes.