Tuesday, August 01, 2006


And serves me right. We had company the last two days and I cheerfully downed chips and beer with my cheeseburger (the first night) and grilled chicken with way too many sides (the second night). Today my stomach is off, too. Again, serves me right! I shouldn't be eating Pringles at midnight.

I plan to go to the gym this afternoon -- I'm going to try to drag Daniel along. I went on Saturday morning, and I spent all day Sunday cleaning hard (we were having a couple over with their three kids, so we knew they'd be all over the house and we couldn't ignore the kids' room or our bathroom, and in the past the wife of this couple has been of a somewhat critical nature, so I was worried -- but she really was great company this time!). I didn't get any exercise on Monday, though I was on my feet a lot, as we were outside with the kids in the pool and on the slip 'n' slide much of the day, which meant constant supervision. Today I'm going to do my nice, calm bike ride -- it will be relaxing by comparison!

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