Tuesday, March 22, 2011



after my fake weightloss last week and my crazy carb loaded, alcohol induced, drunken extravaganza...I was sure I would either stay steady at last weeks weight or gain a little but I DIDN'T.  I actually lost 2 lbs from last Tuesday!  227.5!!!  Last week I posted that if I lost 2 lbs by this week (I had to go back and re-read), then I would buy myself a pair of shoes...well that is exactly what I'm going to do!  Today at lunch I'm going to treat myself to a new pair of shoes!  I want to keep up the good work and lose another 2lbs by next Tuesday.  My reward will be a pedicure!  Sounds like a good little treat to me...

Yesterday, when I counted out my calories from this weekend...I only ate 600 too many calories and I did C25k Saturday morning and Sunday night so I'm sure that helped.  Then Sunday I was feeling so sick from my lil hangover that I didn't eat that much at all!!!  I was pretty happy to get back to my Monday routine though...I was feeling a little lost :) 

On another note, I was upset to find out last night that T-Ball practice will interrupt my Thursday night aerobics class.  My DH is the coach and both boys are on the team so it isn't like I can just bail on him :(  Plus I love to watch them...they're so adorable!  We are trying to move practice night to Wednesday but it may not happen...that is ok - I will just C25k on Thursday nights instead of aerobics, I'll just miss out a little...I'll still be going on Tuesday nights.  Guilt - is it selfish for me to worry about aerobics??? 

I hope everyone else has a good Tuesday too!!! 


Sarah said...

Congratulations on your weight loss!!

Yes you can "bail" on them! In fact, I think it's a perfect opportunity for bailing--your kids are engaged in an activity that your husband has already agreed to attend every time, so it sounds to me like built-in free time for you! (I'm trying to remember how many Girl Scout meetings I've led where my husband came to watch. Ummmmm, that would be zero.)

And while you might miss some cuteness, I'm pretty sure there will be lots of other cuteness for you to see (and let's be honest--as much as I like to watch my kids participate in sports and other activities, it gets really old after the fourth or fifth practice). And you can always plan to attend a handful of the practices--there's nothing saying you have to be at every one of them.

If you can't bear to miss a T-ball practice (or if your DH thinks he won't be able to coach and keep the boys in line), then plan to go to the practices dressed for exercise and do a few laps of the field while you watch, just to get in some extra movement.

Amy said...

Don't forget Livie! It isn't just a matter of bailing on the boys in April's case, she has a sweet little girl baby too! She can't wear Livie in aerobics, but she could take her with her to exercise at T-ball.

Sarah said...

You're right--I forgot about Livie! I guess it would be hard to coach t-ball while carrying a baby!

April said...

LOL! thanks for the support tho Sarah! I appreciate it...good idea, Livie and I will do laps while watching t-ball :) Then I can C25k when we get home.