Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Green Monster

I wanted to create a separate post about my Green Monster Madness!!! 

In February of this year I was out to a business lunch with some ladies that I really like from our Broker's Office.  We were talking about my wellness program at TESSCO and they introduced me to the concept of the Green Monster.  In early February, I had started drinking a protein smoothie that was "chocolate" flavored and just NASTY.  Let's just say that I accidentally blended a paper towel in the smoothie and didn't even notice!!!  YUCK!  Anyway, I had just started to really think about what I was eating and making conscious decisions to change my lifestyle.  The ladies told me about this smoothie that they loved so I decided to try it.  For more Green Monster info go to www.greenmonstermovement.com

My Green Monster consists of:
  • 8oz of unsweetened vanilla almond milk (Almond Breeze is my fav)
  • 1/2 C. frozen blueberries
  • 1/2 banana (frozen or not)
  • 1 tbsp, ground flaxseed
  • 1 tbsp, ground oatmeal
  • 2-3 cups of baby raw spinach
I use my magic bullet blender (no giggles Amy) and blend to perfection with a little ice.  If you want to use this as a meal replacement shake, you can add a scoop of protein powder (I did for a time but I like to chew my protein).  This monster has 3 servings of fruits/veggies!!!  Oh and the best part - it is absolutely delicious!!! 

I have a Gmonster EVERY morning.  I've missed it only once and I noticed a HUGE difference so I won't miss it again.  What has it done for me???  When I say I have more energy...that is an understatement.  I've NEVER had as much energy as I have these days.  My hair and nails are growing like weeds and my skin is gorgeous (if I do say so myself).  I LOVE to monster!!!  Oh and my kids love it too. 

There are lots of different recipes and I've tried a few but I always come back to my standard :)


Julie S said...

I'll try your monster...although I won't lie that it sounds yucky to me. Where do you get the ground oatmeal or do you make it yourself? I'm going to try to remember to stop at the grocery store after work today for all the ingredients. I promise to report back as soon as I try it!

April said...

GREAT! It looks yucky but it is really yummy! I ground the oatmeal myself.

Amy said...

I can honestly say that it isn't bad! I have sipped hers and could see me having one daily just to get the fruits and vegetables in my system.

I keep thinking I want to make it with vanilla yogurt instead of the almond milk.