Monday, March 28, 2011

No excuses exercise routine

I have already used up my free day this week. I didn't exercise on Sunday. The original plan was that Katie and I would walk after church yesterday - but then Sarah called Saturday evening and said we were doing Connor's birthday party Sunday night. Since Katie and I had spent the day yarn shopping at the yarn party our only free time was after church. Then I forgot until I was already in bed that I hadn't exercised. This wouldn't have been problem except I didn't exercise one other night last week so I couldn't take a free day on the weekend. It shouldn't be a problem though because I have exercise scheduled for every day except Thursday of this week, so I think I can manage to exercise for the next six days. I went to yoga on Saturday and Stan noticed me favoring my right leg a bit. He told me I have micro tears in two areas of my hamstring and that instead of stretching it out like I had been doing I should be babying it. He said this will probably be a problem for the rest of my life. He said to walk on it to help strenthen the part that is not damaged to support the damaged area to help it heal. Sigh. So, now I have to figure out how to do yoga - which I love - without straining my hamstring. Food is the same old, same old. I need to start doing april's green monster. Great way to get in the fruits and vegetables that I lack.

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