Monday, March 14, 2011

my weight

UGG!!  My weight is a touchy topic for me.  I HATE the number that appears on the scale each day.  I'm going to tell you ladies the number BUT I NEVER TELL THE NUMBER to anyone.  It is 230 as of last Tuesday...I'll feel much better when my number is below 200.  note: I was 243 on January 1, 2011

My weight history...
When I was a little girl I was skinny VERY skinny!  When I was in high school, I weighed about 90#.  When I graduated from College, 2000 I weighed about 120#.  Then a dear friend died and I went up to 190#.  I crash dieted and got down to 140#...this was a comfortable weight and I maintained it until I got married/had a baby in 2003.  During my pregnancy with my dearest Mason I ballooned up to almost 300# so embarrassing.  By his first birthday I was back down to 160...CRAZY!  Up and Down and Up and Down!!!  After boy baby 2 - Dominic, I'd gained 50# and lost that.  Then gradually I gained and gained until about 220# which I maintained until baby #3.  This time I only gained about 40# but started MUCH LARGER than before.  I had my little girl, Olivia, August 25th, 2010.

So now I have alot of work to do.  To lose it for good, I know I need to lose it slowly...the only problem with losing it slowly is that you can lose sight of the goal b/c it seems so overwhelming.  I need to follow my own advice and make some smaller goals and mark my achievements there.  I know it will happen it will just be a matter of time.

I will weigh in tomorrow and see if I can finally get out of the 230s...please please please


Amy said...

April - you know my feelings about numbers! They only count for so much!!! You DO NOT look like you are at twwwwoommmmpphhh. Really!! But you have inspired me. I have not posted my actualy number in a LONG TIME - but tomorrow I will. I will give the real number and NOT just the up or down amount.

April said...

Awww.thanks Amy!

Sarah said...

I love your kids' names!

OK, that had nothing to do with fitness or weight loss.

I find that if I focus on the end weight I want to be it's too easy to not stay on track, either because it seems to impossible or just too far away. When we started this, I promised myself rewards for every five pounds lost, which helped a lot. As of yesterday I'm going week to week--I need to lose two pounds by next week (I figure tomorrow is a loss (or gain) because I haven't really done anything diet-wise this week--I got totally lazy!) and I get rewarded with a full body massage. That's worth sticking to my plan for seven days to get. Then I'll set another seven day goal/reward.

April said...

Thanks Sarah!