Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Keep on keepin on...

This week I'm true to my goal...2lbs down!  If this loss strategy continues into the foreseeable future it should take me 9 and a half months to get to my goal weight of 150.  That would mean...around Christmas I'll be the lowest weight I've been since Mason's first birthday party 6 years ago.  That isn't too far away and I have lots of fun stuff in the middle to keep me busy.  I'm sure I'll plateau eventually but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.  At this pace, I will also be at the weight I want to be when we go to Ireland (199). 

GREAT SUCCESS...late last week I put on a pair of pants that I have been wearing with a bella band b/c I can't button them (I'm embarrassed to still be using it - it is for preggo ladies).  I didn't even think about it and just put the bella band on.  I came to work and went to the ladies room in the mid morning.  Without thinking about it, I buttoned the pants.  Let me repeat: I BUTTONED MY PANTS!  That is just crazy!!!  I took off the bella band and twirled it over my head (luckily I was alone in the bathroom, b/c people would think I'm nuts).  I was SO EXCITED!  Then this weekend, just for the heck of it, I tried on a pair of my pre-preggo jeans - AND THEY FIT.  Albeit a little tight, they still fit!!!  I love this feeling...

I hope everyone has a GREAT Tuesday!


Julie S said...

Great job April!

Emily said...

Yay!! Way to go!

Sarah said...

Good job!! I would have done a little pants-buttoning-dance too!

Amy said...

YAY! I knew this already because you came out and (didn't dance) but shared with Grace and me - but I am SO proud of you! (Sorry! But, I am!) You look awesome!!