Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Six more weeks

I'm halfway into my "lose ten pounds or Sarah Palin gets my money" challenge and my weight today was 147.2. That's a shameful three pounds lost in six weeks, so clearly I need to step up my efforts. I think a good first step is to not accept any more invitations to eat out anywhere, ever. Restaurants, other people's homes--both are very bad for my diet! I only tracked my eating for a few days this week and then stopped. Meals like the one we had at Eric and Donna's place on Saturday make me give up entirely--how to track that much food? And would I want to see the stark numbers anyway?

So I have six more weeks and seven more pounds to go. This is do-able, of course, but it won't be easy. In my favor: better weather means more opportunities and motivation to exercise, and the start of Lent means I can use the season as an excuse to cut back on eating, and might even be able to convince Brian (who controls the shopping and cooking these days) to help me out! I don't think I could go for an "every day is Ash Wednesday" eating plan, but going back to a quasi-South Beach diet would help.

After, of course, having pancakes and bacon for dinner tonight.

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