Thursday, March 17, 2011

If I get annoying...tell me to shut up! LOL

Happy St. Patty's Day!

I have NO IDEA what is going on...I know we shouldn't weigh ourselves EVERYDAY but I have been curious about my daily weight so this week I've weighed in Tuesday, Wednesday and this morning.  Ready for this?!? 

Tuesday - 229.5
Wednesday - 227
Thursday 225.5

This may not seem bizarre to anyone else but this is VERY STRANGE for me.  I DO NOT fluctuate like that.  The only explanation I can think of is that my visitor just completed her cycle yesterday.  I don't know...but I'll take it.  I know I'll boing back a little b/c this Saturday is going to be my rock star outing with LOTS of drinking and probably some carbs (more than normal) to soak up some of the alcohol! 

I'll leave you with my favoriate (only) Irish Sayings...
Póg mo thóin!
dún do bheal
and sláinte


Sarah said...

Maybe it's something in the air, or maybe the time change helps us lose weight. I was down to 144.6 this morning (two pounds down from Tuesday) and I don't really believe it's actual weight loss, but it's nice to see anyway!

Emily said...

My weight dropped to 142 for St. Patrick's Day. So it's definitely something in the air.

That said, it is NOT a bad habit to weigh yourself daily. It is only a problem to weigh yourself daily if it becomes an obsession that actually blocks your ability to improve your health and diet. If you read the health websites (like Spark People or Livestrong) they all agree that the one habit consistent among people who are losing weight and keeping it off is that they weigh themselves EVERY. DAY. That way if you fluctuate outside of the "acceptable" range even slightly you know it and can fix it before you've fallen into an entire week (or month, or whatever) of binge eating and no exercise.

That said, on this blog we recognize that day-to-day fluctuations are (a) normal, especially the week Aunt Flo visits, and (b) not a real indicator of weight loss. So if you're trying to track actual results, the weekly (Tuesday around here -- we picked it because that gives you a day to recover after whatever went wrong on the weekend!) weigh-in is the most useful number to keep up with. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be weighing yourself everyday. And, as Sarah said, that means sometimes you get to see some fun numbers, even though they're not real -- consider them a preview of things to come! :-)