Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I hate going to the doctor

I went to see just a regular old doctor today for the first time in about six years. I went in as a vibrant, healthy person with no health risks--I keep my weight in check, eat pretty well, never smoked, exercise regularly, and rarely get sick (and never seriously; I couldn't tell you the last time I missed work because I was sick). I do all the things you're supposed to do to stay healthy.

I came out of the office an old, decrepit woman. My blood pressure is high, the occasional pain I have in my left hand is probably arthritis. I need physical therapy for the pain in my neck (which may also be arthritis). I need bloodwork, a pap smear, a full body check from a dermatologist, and a mammogram (this is what I get for avoiding doctors).

I just checked online for information about lowering blood pressure and it tells me I should stop smoking, exercise regularly, and eat a lowfat, low sodium diet with only small amounts of meat and lots of fruits and vegetables. Of course I'm already doing all that. The only thing I'm not doing is stress reduction, and I don't think they'd recommend kicking out all of the boys in my house who are the cause of most of my stress. She wants me to get my blood pressure checked two or three times a week and come back in a few months for a full physical and if my blood pressure is still high we'll blame it on genetics and start medication. Ugh.

I hate getting old. I especially hate it when the aging process takes all of 30 minutes!

1 comment:

Amy said...

LOL! And here I am the biggest sick-o whiney person ever with not a health issue to be seen! I am over weight, don't eat well and hate exercise with a passion normally reserved for trashy novels - but I have great blood pressure, good cholesterol levels, etc. I don't live with any boys. I think we have discovered a medical breakthrough!!!!! Stay single, stay healthy!