Tuesday, March 22, 2011


After my fake weight last week, I was surprised to find I was able to keep it in that range all week. It hit 142 at the lowest, and was below last week's Tuesday weight four days of the week... but not today. Naturally. But I'm not despairing because this time I know the weight is real, and I've felt pretty good the last week.

I also woke up to a new SparkPeople email this morning that included a link to an article on a bunch of heart-healthy foods (which is what got me started on reading about soy -- they touted it as a heart-healthy food, someone in the comments said, "Really? I've been getting mixed signals," and off I went to Google), and oatmeal was on the list. THAT led me to a link on ways to jazz up oatmeal (I found maple syrup disappointing, so it's been strawberries every day since), which got me enthused about breakfast, so I had very yummy applesauce-and-cinnamon oatmeal today. Tonight we're going to a potluck and the host is vegan, so I know there will be foods I can eat. The weather is gorgeous AND I have a gym appointment. And I have to go to the grocery store to get ingredients for my potluck entry, which means I'll have an opportunity to pick up hummus (I know I can make it, but they have a really good roasted red pepper hummus at Kroger) and pita for lunch. Today is going to be a good day.


April said...

Holy Moly!!! This Soy news is a little disturbing to me!!! What is next?? My vegitatian/vegan cousin and friends are going to be VERY unhappy when this news hits mainstream media. I even made my FB status about soy eaters beware today. Thanks for the info...always learning right?

Oh and...I'm picking up hummus today too :) YUM

Sarah said...

April don't panic and don't overreact. There are a lot of people who think soy is dangerous (who tend not to cite their sources, I noticed), but there are just as many who say it's fine. Read my comment below Emily's comment about the soy, talk to your doctor if you are concerned, and do your own research (and here's a hint: if you google "dangers of soy" you'll find lots of articles supporting what Emily posted, but if you google "health benefits of soy" you'll find lots of articles supporting soy as a health food--this is why the internet is a bad place to do a lot of reasearch)

Amy said...

What I saw too was that the estrogen levels are actually beneficial in reducing the symptoms of menopause. I may start eating MORE soy! Although, one of the diets I did in the past - probably the thyroid friendly one - strictly forbade soy. So - April - back to what you said here at work, but not on the blog. Eggs? Good or Bad? Potatos? Good or Bad? Butter vs. Margarine? Sugar vs. Sweetners? There are advantages and disadvantages to all foods. As humans all we can be expected to do is the best we can! I personally tend to avoid processed foods, including margarine and sweetners because I don't like them. They look, smell, and taste unnatural to me and - again as humans - we are bred to trust our senses. That is what will keep us alive in the wild should the need ever arise. 8-)

Emily said...

Sarah, I read a range of articles on both sides and the ones that I could find that were most neutral (a couple were from health journals, the kinds that you can only get the abstracts!) were the ones that said it should only be eaten in small quantities, and under limited circumstances, and that in testing it's not the wonder food that the media would have you believe. Amy, yes, they particularly warned against soy for people with thyroid concerns and fertility issues -- and I fall in the latter category. And for children, as well -- I discussed that with a vegan friend tonight and he said that you do see vegan children developing at disturbingly young ages because of the phytoestrogens in soy. So I'm not going to have much soy for now.