Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Vicki's getting a new pair of shoes

Now that I've read Sarah's swimsuit disintegration post I'm happy to report that I took the plunge and went online last night and ordered a new pair of running shoes.

I shop at -- great prices and free 2-day shipping. I like the whole *almost* instant gratification idea. I'm looking forward to their arrival -- I'm sure the box will say "no more excuses lazyass." haha

Seriously though, I can't believe Sarah got 18 months out of a swimsuit. Chlorine is like acid and eats them quickly, usually in several months. You could've been swimming and the suit would've spontaneously combusted. At least you would've been in the water. haha

I'll be back to report soon on my lazyass fitness plan. Maybe I should open the Lazyass Fitness Club. haha

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