Thursday, May 27, 2010

Legs. Tired. Sweep.

The "sweep" is Connor's contribution. It's what he says when he didn't "sweep" for a couple of nights--he burrows into a pillow and says "sweep, sweep." He doesn't like his new mattress (actually he's fine with the new mattress--he just doesn't like it that it's not his old mattress. New is different. New is not good.) so the first night he just fought and screamed and refused to get in bed until he finally passed out and we put him in bed. The next night he didn't fight, but he also didn't go to sleep until close to 2 a.m. The third night he woke up at 2 a.m. Last night, finally, he got a normal night's sleep.

Anyway, that's not the point of this post. This post is for me to whine about how trashed my legs are. I biked to work yesterday and swam at lunch, and I'm very grateful that the swim portion of the triathlon comes first or else there'd be a lot more people drowning. I only swam the length of the race (1 kilometer) but could feel that after the ride into work my leg muscles were just not happy with this new activity, even though they had had several hours of rest AND two chocolate not-Berger cookies. Then when I got on my bike to go home I was really worried for the first mile that I'd have to call for a ride home--I felt so tired and wasn't sure I'd be able to make it. Fortunately I warmed up pretty quickly and the ride home was fine after that (with the exception of the idiot in the Gutter Guardian van who narrowly avoided hitting me (on purpose, mind you) and then told me to get on the sidewalk). But now I feel like I don't even want to walk more than 10 or 15 feet at a time. This is disturbing--the work I did yesterday was roughly what I'll have to do during the August race (10 miles more cycling, but no running, so that about evens out) but I don't remember being this tired the day after the race last year, which means I still have some serious conditioning to do.

The good news, though, is that I burned about 1,700 calories through exercise alone yesterday. That has to be worth a five pound weight loss, right?


Emily said...

Ha! 1700 calories OUGHT to be five pounds, but instead it's a half pound at best. Depressing.

People who tell cyclists to use the sidewalk haven't been on a bicycle since age 8. It's totally illegal to bike on the sidewalk in most places, though I don't think they prosecute 8-year-olds. What an idiot. I'm glad he didn't hit you.

Vicki said...

OMG! I hate you and your iron will ... even if you can't walk. hahaha I keep warning people slightly younger than me that post-40 sucks. We have to work twice as hard to stay in shape but that just literally puts us out of commission. Damn.

Sarah, I want to do a trail from out in MD somewhere to York, Pa., spend the night and come back. 41 miles each way, plenty of ice creams breaks. Friends did it and loved it. Let's talk soon.

Sarah said...

That would be the North Central Trail, which I've walked many times (it starts roughly behind where I went to nursery school) but have never biked.

Vicki said...

Let's do it!