Tuesday, May 25, 2010


But I almost forgot to weigh in! The phone rang just after I went to the bathroom this morning and from then on my day was in full swing. I had actually poured the milk on my cereal before I remembered to weigh myself. I had to run upstairs while my breakfast was getting soggy! If it hadn't been a Tuesday I wouldn't have bothered. But there it is. I've had this same weight two days in a row, so it's probably accurate. I'm relieved to see a number in this range, after my post-Poland high weights. I haven't had to do anything special to get back to this. It's still a couple of pounds up, but that's more reasonable than the 5 or so I thought I was seeing.

Yesterday at the gym I tried doing my run/walk on the track instead of the treadmill, thinking that the unnatural pacing on the treadmill when I walk is causing the problem with my calf. But by the end of 30 minutes on the track my calf still hurt. So I think it's just irritated and is going to keep on being so for a long time -- I didn't run for nearly two weeks, which is supposed to be plenty of recovery time for an ordinary pulled muscle, but it still acts up. Phooey.

I was pleased to find that I fell very comfortably into a 57 to 59-second loop when I was running; it's a 1/9 mile track, so that's faster than a 9-minute pace. Of course, the walk section canceled out the few seconds I gained on that 9 minutes, and then some, so I only finished about 3.2 miles in the half hour, but I'm definitely not complaining. Running on the track is boring as all get-out, though. It's too short a loop to be remotely interesting, but I can't completely zone out the way I would on the treadmill. I was listening to a podcast and only caught half of it, I fear. On the treadmill I get most of it and on the road I listen to music. The track sucks -- too boring for just music but too much work for a podcast.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You're fast! At my best (i.e. back in college) I could never manage more than a 10 minute mile pace!

I should go back and map that run I used to do in college. We were told it was three miles and I took people's word for it, and it always took me exactly 30 minutes door to door, and that was when I weighed nothing and rowed every day and worked out in the gym on the off season, so I was never more fit than then. It would be gratifying to find out it was longer than three miles. More gratifying to find out it was SHORTER than three miles and I'm faster now!