Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Making progress

My daily goal is to get in some cardio and some weight work -- so far that's working out pretty well. Now I just hope to start seeing results.

Age and gravity are discouraging but I'm fighting the good fight.

I've been getting up in the morning and riding the bike on the trainer or taking a walk. Then at night I'll do weights, etc. I've also been stretching in the morning and that's been helping with a few stiff muscles here and there from nothing more than sleeping.

Last night I went for a walk a bit later than I wanted so I ended up running for part of it -- surprisingly it wasn't bad. But I concluded that I definitely need new shoes. Mine are dead, dead, dead.

I also went for a nice hike on Sunday. I have no issue with walking and walking so I know I need to push myself for every workout to lose weight, gain strength and build endurance. Maybe I should train for something? Nah.

Enjoy the cool week!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Maybe you could try that Buddhist walking meditation thing that NPR did a story on yesterday. You walk for 1000 days. After the first 700 days you take a nine day break to stay awake and not eat or drink the whole time. I'm not sure why that's a break--sounds more like slow suicide to me. But I was listening to this story thinking "damn, that guy must be in great shape now!"