Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Uneventful week

My weight went back up to 141 over the week but came back down to 138 today. I was definitely bloated, but I started feeling better yesterday. I'm content just to be at last week's weight -- as I said, it will take a while to move any lower (and now Easter is almost here, so lots of chocolate is coming!). At this time of year I'm just trying to keep up with everyday life.

I did have a highly active day yesterday -- I had a gym appointment and did 45 minutes on the elliptical, and then when I got home I found I needed to go to Kroger, so I walked there (I'm trying to make it a rule that if the weather is even vaguely reasonable I will not drive -- it's only a half mile!). Actually, I jogged there -- Cecilia came along and she knew we were in a hurry, so she took my hand and SHE ran the whole half mile without stopping!! I walked back, but she ran back home, at least for the first half, until we met up with Daniel and walked with him -- and it's uphill for that whole first quarter mile. I was pretty impressed. Anyway, after dinner I needed to get to Target, and then I ended up walking the whole store a couple of times in search of lighters -- normally they have the long ones by the checkout, but they only had the little ones there, so I had to hunt and only found them in the outdoor section waaayyyy at the back. 15,000+ steps for the day.

I was active on the weekend, too, with a Kroger walk and with sorting through two years of kids' clothes that were piling up in every corner of the bedrooms. I sorted them in my room, but the kids' room was where the boxes were stored, so I walked back and forth for hours. And on Sunday we also walked to a friend's house for supper, and that was a half mile each way. I love the nicer weather because going on foot or by bike is a realistic option!

This week I have a gym appointment today, but nothing more possible for the rest of the week. So I'll keep on walking to Kroger, and I'll keep watching what I eat. Exciting, I know.

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