Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Moving in the right direction

So far so good on the food and workout front. I'm sticking to a tight regimen on both and I finally have a workout routine in place.

Personally, I need to have menus and fitness routines written down -- I'm a list person and I think they go hand-in-hand. Mentally the schedules provide me with a clear roadmap so I don't have to think about what's next -- I just read the schedule. It also allows me to change things up and with my work schedule that's sometimes necessary.

After just more than a week I'm noticing big differences -- my body likes routine -- my skin looks better, my hair is shinier, my nails are growing faster and are stronger along with various other hints that I'm on the right track.

I've got a good weights routine in place and am past all of the initial soreness -- in last night's workout I really pushed myself and I feel great today. I've got a couple of fitness books I use -- written by Cindy Whitmarsh -- they provide 6-week routines. I recently realized how much following her guidelines helped me trim down in the past. Even though I'm not following them to the letter this time they provide a great framework. I even got the jump rope back out -- jumping rope is tough and I break a sweat in about 5 seconds. haha

I'm not sure if I lost weight last week -- Auntie Flow arrived five days early, most likely because of my change in routine. She's so rude sometimes. Her arrival has caused the usual issues of bloat etc. I hope she leaves soon.

Happy to see everyone else is making progress. Sounds like Easter candy may affect some weight loss later in the month but just think about it -- Easter is at the end of April -- giving everyone more than two weeks to prepare for the deluge of sugar. I say push hard until then, enjoy a break then refocus your efforts!

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