Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Finally ... I'm ready to get serious again

First, sorry for the email about login instructions -- I was having trouble getting onto the blog but have, obviously, figured out the issue.

I haven't posted in awhile -- it has been a long winter and I really wasn't mentally into a strict fitness regimen but now ... look out. I didn't really put on any weight over the winter but I also didn't pay much attention to my fitness level and am now putting in the work to get back into shape.

In the past few years I've changed my diet and stepped up my workouts but simply haven't been inspired recently. Not sure why, just not into it.

But I'm not 18, 25 or even 35 anymore (BOO!) and there's really no option here. I've got to make fitness a part of my every day life. I feel better when I exercise. Period.

So I'm gradually getting back into a routine -- weight work (dumb bells), squats, using the balance ball, biking, walking and maybe, if my body cooperates, some running. As the weather warms up I'll be hiking more and going on weekend-long bike trips. I may even add some swimming into the mix. Crazy.

At the moment I'm easing into it, taking care to evaluate where I am to avoid injury. In the past, I've made good progress fast then find it hard to get beyond a certain point. This time I'm determined to push hard and move beyond those physical barriers.

Foodwise I'm sticking to yogurts and fruit for breakfast -- I found some museli, which is made in Switzerland, at the store and it's loaded with good stuff. But I'm happy with plain non-fat yogurt and some toasted flax seeds and some fruit. Otherwise I focus a lot on salads and lean proteins along with beans etc.

Once all of the good veggies are in season I can eat salads daily -- especially with fresh tomatoes. I'm looking forward to my farmers market produce again.

I love that everyone is digging the green monster. I do smoothies almost daily when the farmers market is in season. It helps that I work at a market and get my produce free so that helps. I use non-fat greek yogurt in mine -- there's a local place that makes their own yogurt. I work my way through the seasonal fruits and veggies. I started adding kale last fall and liked the addition.

Sounds like everyone is doing great in general ... keep up the good work.

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