Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Official weigh-in

It was 138.0 -- so even better than yesterday. I am of course pleased by this, and I know I shouldn't be a pessimist, but I also know full well that this means my weight won't budge for two weeks now. I'd kind of rather have the half-pound-a-week sort of progress, because at least it's not a plateau and it's motivating enough to keep me at the diet and exercise (well, mostly diet -- this week I am getting three days of exercise, but they are all in a row, and Sunday hardly counts because I walked to the grocery store, which is only 0.6 miles). But the 2- or 3-pound plunge is fun when it happens, and it at least kept me motivated through yesterday.

I am trying to convince myself that when Easter arrives I do NOT have to eat every piece of chocolate and every jellybean as quickly as possible. I do not have to graze on 1000 calories of sugar (and fat, in the case of chocolate) each day. Because all this work just to lose 7 pounds should not be discarded in two weeks. But I also know I have absolutely no willpower when it comes to sugar unless I give it up entirely. And I'm not willing to have an Easter basket full of yarn and knitting notions or something like that -- I WANT jellybeans and chocolate, dammit! My weight chart for every year shows an up-swing after Easter, worse than any other holiday. Probably because of the denial right before -- I can resist overeating on Halloween candy (at least somewhat better than Easter) because it's only a month after my birthday, when I usually get some very gourmet chocolate, and with gourmet chocolate I'm usually willing to space it out, just a piece here or there, which gets me in a good habit.

Officially, my plan is to indulge like crazy on Easter, but then try to get right back into restraint the day after, having just a little candy after meals, within my calorie limits. Maybe I'll allow myself an extra 100 calories a day to give some extra candy room without going overboard. We'll see if I can manage!

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