Tuesday, April 05, 2011


So, unlike the rest of you nutcases (and we had an amazing turn-out this morning! I don't remember the last Tuesday I checked in at lunchtime and was the LAST!), I have not been consuming the green monster. It contains dairy, and my ground rules included no dairy substitutes, either (so no almond milk or milk-free margarine or n'er-g-eggs or however you spell that), so I will have to delay that pleasure until the end of the month. However, since Sarah's suggestion, I have been LOVING the hummus. Today I had it on a piece of potato-rosemary bread (which I know is not whole grain, but I don't want it to go to waste, and it is SO yummy). Very good.

My weight this morning was 141.0. It went truckin' on down to 140 last week but then I overate on Friday (happy hour ended early, so Daniel and I went out to dinner, and I ate salmon and veggies over angel hair -- yummy but lots of olive oil and pasta carbs, so very caloric). But, adding my calories up as honestly as I could, I still only hit about 1800 or 1900 for the day. All the other days I've been close to 1200, but that one day of 600 extra calories made me spike upwards two pounds again. At my current weight, 1200 calories should be less than a pound a week of weight loss (but exercise should bump that up a little), so I'm really right on target. But when I see a 2-pound plummet it's annoying to see an immediate 2-pound spike. I'm the same as last Tuesday, in the end. My moving average is better this week, though; it is down a pound. So unless my actual weight continues to fail to go down, I'm really not doing badly.

My exercise continues to be iffy. I go to the gym on Mondays and Tuesdays, and I usually get in a 1.5-mile walk on Fridays en route to happy hour. But that's pretty much it. If I don't go to the gym, I don't get in real exercise.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Nah, I'm not doing the green monster thing either. I went through a smoothie phase a few years ago when I was really trying to up my fiber intake, and I gave up after a couple of weeks because I just don't like smoothies. I think they're a great way to get lots of fruits and vegetables in one shot, and I think they're a really good option for people who just really don't like eating fruits and (more often) vegetables, but it turns out I don't like drinking my food. I'd much rather eat a spinach salad and bowl of fruit and yogurt and feel like I've actually *eaten* something than to whomp it all together and drink it and feel like I still need something to eat.