Tuesday, April 05, 2011


So last week I complained about my weight going up a bit towards the end of the week. It went down again on Saturday morning--down to 142, which seemed about right for the eating and exercise I was doing. And then it shot back up again this week! Yesterday I was 143.6 and today I was up to 144.8. Now I know perfectly well that my 1200 calories yesterday didn't cause me to gain a pound overnight, nor did my 1200 calories a day over the weekend plus multiple workouts cause me to gain a pound and a half over two days, so I know that this is a temporary blip, but nonetheless it's a PITA. Very frustrating to watch my intake so carefully (every day I'm checking my calories, fiber, protein, sodium, potassium, etc. and making sure to get 7 to 9 servings of fruit and veggies daily--in this past week I went over my calorie intake once (by 175 calories, on the apple fritter day) and my sodium intake once, but otherwise I was spot on each day) and still gain weight. I've also been exercising regularly--three trips to the gym during the work week last week, the over the weekend we had Up All Night Sports, so I had one session on the rowing machine and one session on the stationary bike that night. Then on Sunday we did our annual stream clean up (hey, there's an idea for rocky terrain, Julie!), which was two hours or so of walking the stream, climbing up the embankments, and dragging pounds and pounds of trash with us. Yesterday was the first day of Brian's new job, which means no gym sessions for me, but I got in some pilates late in the day.

OTOH, I've got a lot of factors working against me--stress, lack of sleep, and a head cold are all right up there on the list of things that can cause inflammation and water retention. The head cold in particular is probably at the root of my problems--it hit on Saturday night (the same night I stayed awake all night) and now I'm all stuffy with a sore throat and clogged ears. This isn't weight gain from water retention quite so much as it is weight gain from booger retention. ;-)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Yuck! Booger retention makes me eat less and "purge" more. It should be effective for weight loss.