Tuesday, July 13, 2010

That's better

145.8 today. Much better than last week's 148+ (which only lasted that day). Nothing else really to report. I'm not going to get to the pool today at lunch because of a meeting, so either I'll go right after work or I'll make today a rest day. Connor is still not sleeping and I'm not sure how much longer I can put up with this, but also pretty sure I don't have a choice. Last week he slept through the night three nights in a row, which was a first in a month or so. I was hoping it was the start of a trend, but apparently not. We seem to be in a pattern of two or three nights of not sleeping for every one night of sleeping. This is so much worse than having a newborn. At least with a newborn people expect you to be exhausted and incapable of rational thought, and at least with a newborn you can put the baby down and not worry about him escaping outside in the middle of the night or breaking a window with his head. I'm longing for the days of having access to Brian's prescription provigil on days like today when I can barely focus on the simplest things!

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