Tuesday, July 06, 2010


After last week's post I went and logged my calories. I've done pretty well this week at keeping them under control, except for Saturday, when I just didn't worry about it after the run. The funny thing that day was that even when I was hungry nothing tasted all that good to me, until dinner, when our friends brought a really amazing salad and we also had corn on the cob -- those both tasted great. Who knew I was capable of craving vegetables?

Anyway, my weight is back into descent mode. Let's hope I can keep it moving downward for a little while -- I'd love to carry a few fewer cans of Crisco each time I go running! (Not that I'm going to be running for a few days -- I can still barely walk. I used the bike at the gym yesterday so I wouldn't do anything weight-bearing, but even that much pressure on the balls of my feet made my arches hurt more. Sigh.)

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