Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Better than yesterday

But not by much. My weight this morning was 227.2. I am getting to the point where I think I just need to accept the fact that I will never again weigh 160. I don't WANT to accept that fact - but my weight seems to be stubbornly set at the same spot. Of course, I DON'T have to accept the fact that my belly shakes like Santa's bowl full of jelly. I CAN do something about that. I can do sit-ups, yoga, use the treadmill, weight equipment, etc. I need to bring my gym bag with me to work - so I can go to the Padonia Brick Bodies - or to the Reisterstown one on the way home from work. I need to get Katie committed to this so she won't get mad at me if I DON'T come straight home after work for dinner. I probably won't lose weight, because my record shows that I don't lose when I exercise anymore than when I don't exercise - but I do get marginally less blobby.

The Holidays are going to be a challenge. Actually - I am not so sure that they will be. Halloween is the biggest calorie fest for me. And I have already EATEN all of the candy (except for what I have hidden from me - out of sight is really out of mind for the most part...). The TESSCO party has been cancelled - and other than the holiday DAYS themselves food shouldn't be too much of a challenge, if I plan correctly. I think I may email Santa and discuss a focus on quality over quantity this year's stocking candy - at least for the grownups.

I also need to do the gluten free thing again. Now that I am totally slacking on it I am seeing an increase in my digestive distress. I am going through my annual purging mood. Most people want to spring clean - I want to fall gut my house. Maybe, what I will do, is actually RID my house of everything even remotely appealing foodwise and THEN, if I get cravings I will have to actually go out of the house to track down food. If my rule is that I can go out and buy snack food I have to do it via the gym.

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