Friday, February 01, 2008


Some of my bad habits are creeping in again. I didn't exercise at all yesterday and I ate too much. My weight is up to 160.5. Today I had my usual breakfast and yogurt for lunch, but I had two small cookies and two Hershey's kisses and a glass of milk afterwards. I am about to leave for my mammogram (whine) and when I get home I will have a clementine and maybe a few almonds. For dinner we are having leftover pizza--the Digiorno square kind with a thin crust. I had two pieces last night and will have two tonight. Sometime I hope to sqeeze in a Walk Away the Pounds routine.

Maybe you guys will keep me honest! (But then I would have to admit that I had a big cup of hot chocolate the day before yesterday).

1 comment:

Amy said...

The hardest thing I am trying to learn is that NO food in particular is bad, you just need to make sure you balance your diet with mostly GOOD foods. Statistically one of the main reasons diets fail is people don't do well with deprivation - even if it is self induced. You are much better off allowing yourself to eat whatever you want - but only after you have eaten your healthy foods first. Also - if you aren't eating enough and are feeling hungry all of the time, your cravings are going to be FOR the sugary carbs because that is what supplies your body with energy. Make sure you eat plenty of protein. I don't mean do anything as drastic as Atkins - but you should eat protein with every meal. Proteins are the fuels that burn more slowly. You should always eat carbs and proteins together.