Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I didn't exercise last week, except for Monday, but this week I had four gym appointments lined up.  I went last night, but now I've already had to cancel today and I don't know whether I'm going to be able to make the others, either.  I imagine I won't have to miss all of them, but things are so unpredictable right now I really couldn't say.  Rough week.  I'm also eating pretty randomly.  Things are starting to settle down a bit (Julie and Vicki, the 4-year-old son of a friend of mine died suddenly this week, and to complicate matters they were in Switzerland at the time, so we've been a primary liason for them) but they'll be home on Thursday so things will get chaotic again then, I suspect.  I'm just not going to worry about exercise or diet until after the funeral, at least.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I'm sorry about your friends' son. That's really sad. Well, you can only do what you can exercisewise. It sounds like helping your friends it more important.