Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I think that's the same as last week, and I should be pleased to maintain since I didn't get to the gym at all last week. Between sick kids and holidays and bad weather I think I ended up leaving work early every day and never once took a lunch (gym) break. I went yesterday and it was hell--I was tired and battling the kids' virus a bit myself and had to really push myself to finish the workout. I wish I would either just get really sick or get really better, but I've been in this in-between stage since Friday--bit of a sore throat, a bit of congestion, headaches off and on. I've been downing Airborne, which I think really helps stave off the worst of it (or at least I can't figure out any other reason why I haven't been bedridden with this virus) but it doesn't eliminate the virus entirely.

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